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Group Discussion

Collaborate Effortlessly with Group Discussions

Create group discussions to share ideas, solve problems, and keep everyone on the same page. Easily invite team members, clients, and collaborators to chat in one place for seamless communication.


Personalized One-on-One Discussions

Engage in focused, one-on-one discussions with team members or clients. Share files, ideas, and updates in real-time, ensuring private and effective communication tailored to individual needs.


Capture and Organize Important Discussion Points

Easily take notes during discussions to keep track of key points, ideas, and important decisions. Share notes with others to ensure everyone stays informed and aligned throughout the project.


Instant File Sharing in Real-Time Chats

Easily share important files during discussions. Whether you're in a group chat or one-on-one conversation, upload and share documents, images, and more in real-time to keep everyone on the same page.

Modify Discussion

Effortlessly Manage and Edit Discussions

Easily modify your conversation details, rename discussions, manage invited members, and view key information about your chats—all in real-time. Keep everything organized and up to date with minimal effort.

What's your mood?

Express Yourself Instantly with Emojis

Bring conversations to life by quickly adding emojis. Whether you're conveying emotion, acknowledging a message, or just adding a bit of fun, you can communicate your feelings effortlessly with a single emoji.

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