The Contact Details page allows you to view, update, and manage details for an individual contact. Below are the key sections and actions you can take on this page:
Accessing the Contact Details Page #
- From the Contacts tab in the left sidebar, you will see a list of all available contacts.
- Click on the contact’s name from the list to view their detailed information (e.g., Name, Email, Country, etc.).

Contact Information #
At the top of the page, you will find the essential details of the selected contact:
- Name: Displays the full name of the contact.
- Email: Shows the contact’s email address.
- Company: If provided, the company name associated with the contact will be displayed.
- Timezone: Displays the contact’s timezone (if available).
- Country: The contact’s country of residence.
- State/City: The state and city information (if available).
- Address: Any available address details.
- Languages: Displays the languages spoken by the contact.
- Description: You can add a brief description related to the contact.
- Reference: Add any relevant references or notes related to this contact.
- Billings: Billing information can be added or viewed for the contact here.
Notes Section #
You can manage notes associated with the contact in this section.
- Add a new note in the Note input field and click Submit to save.
- If there are existing notes, they will be listed below. You can view more by clicking Load More.

Invoices, Quotations, and Documents Tabs #
You can also manage various aspects related to the contact:
- Invoices: View and manage any invoices associated with the contact.
- Quotations: View and manage quotations linked to this contact.
- Documents: Any relevant documents for this contact can be viewed and managed here.

Actions #
- Add Notes: Input text in the Note field and click Submit to save.
- View and Manage Invoices, Quotations, and Documents: Click the respective tabs to view and manage these records associated with the contact.
This page provides a comprehensive view of all the important details regarding a contact, allowing you to efficiently manage and track interactions, billing, and more.