To mention someone in a document, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Document:
- Click on the Documents menu item (Step 1 in the image) from the sidebar.
- Find and click on the document where you want to add a mention (Step 3).
- Open the Document Editor:
- Once the document is open (Step 2), click inside the content area where you want to mention someone.

- Use the “@” Symbol:
- Type the “@” symbol in the content area (Step 3). A mention dropdown will appear with a list of available users.
- Select a User:
- From the dropdown list (Step 4), select the person you want to mention in the document. Their name will appear as a tagged mention in the text.

Once done, the mentioned user will be highlighted in the document, allowing for easier collaboration or notification within the document content.
You will only able to mention those team member or contact if they have access to this document